
Meme me telling my mom why i need an airline ticket to area 51
Meme me telling my mom why i need an airline ticket to area 51

meme me telling my mom why i need an airline ticket to area 51

But after I brought up how I flew around the house at breakfast a couple of times and they just told me that it “sounded like a fun dream,” I realized that I really could do something special. I think I kind of assumed at first that everyone had my ability that it was part of what it meant to be human. It also had me reading at a high school grade level by age eight. But luckily for me, my mom was hard of hearing, so she always watched TV with the captions on-which benefitted my viewing experience during my nightly escapades. Voices were muffled, like people were speaking underwater. Sound was always limited in a projected state. Nights they watched HBO or one of their R-rated movies were the best. I could watch late night television with my parents without them ever knowing, although I had no say in what channel was on. After a month or so of trying, I was able to explore the rest of our house. Floating through the toy chest and seeing the insides of my stuffed animals was only fun for so long, so I trained my strange superpower and increased its range. I couldn’t touch or interact with anything while outside of my body, so my options for nightly entertainment in my room were limited. I could float around my bedroom, and it was fun-it beat the hell out of any regular old dreams, and sometimes even the lucid ones, which I am also no stranger to. Before long, I was teaching myself how to control it. My OBEs started up again, but I was older then, and not as frightened. I took medication that ridded me of what they saw as night terrors, and was then weaned off of the pills by the time I was six.

meme me telling my mom why i need an airline ticket to area 51

This began to happen again and again, more frequently, and my parents had gone from comforting me every night to becoming worried and sometimes annoyed. Having no idea what was happening, I screamed, and I kept screaming until I could finally hear my own cries that forced me awake. I remember having a vivid dream that took place inside my bedroom, and then suddenly half-way waking up and seeing my own body from above as I floated in the air of the dark room. I had my first out of body experience when I was four years old.

Meme me telling my mom why i need an airline ticket to area 51